
Working with the most discerning international brands has taken Point Tricot to the highest level of environmental and social sustainability. As a supplier of associated brands, the company complies not only with the standards of Italian legislation, but also with the principles of fair labour and responsible sourcing of the Fair Labor Associationand the Fair Wear Foundation.

La costante ricerca dell’equilibrio tra etica e mercato ha permesso lo sviluppo di una propria politica ambientale, con un approccio proattivo volto a prevenire e/o ridurre l’impatto ambientale dell’intero processo produttivo.

Download Environmental Policy Point Tricot


Small and large actions to help the planet

  • Photovoltaic system 88 kw
  • Brushing Balls washing system for chemical-free washing
  • Biofilter purification system for washing in closed circuit water
  • Condensate recovery system for laundry water heating
  • Laundry waste water treatment system